On July 16, 2022, six members of the Kingsport Amateur Radio Club activated High Knob, W4V/GC-001, near Norton, Virginia. The trip was on paved roads all the way to the summit, making this an easy, drive-up activation. It was a warm 90 degrees in the valleys, but on the summit it was a pleasant 75 with clear skies and little to no wind. Very few weather days are this good.
Rick and Seth set up two meter stations using a Slim Jim and an Arrow beam, Randy and Joshua used a Wolf River Coils vertical mounted on a tripod for HF, Larry used a par of Ham Sticks mounted in a horizontal fashion with a Chameleon base for HF, then Justin and Ron used a 58 foot end fed wire strung up in a tree, also for HF. Two meters turned out to work well, but on the HF bands, 20 meters was a bit off. A later check of the solar terrestrial data showed that the numbers were not favorable for 20 meters as demonstrated on the summit, although 17 meters was actually in good shape.
Seth and Rick worked 2 meter FM, Larry, Joshua, and Randy worked HF SSB, Justin and Ron worked HF CW. In the end a total of 60 contacts were made for the day with one DX to France. All equipment worked well and nothing was damaged or lost. In addition to the SOTA activation, the summit also qualified as a POTA entity (K-4526) for which Joshua and Randy made enough contacts to claim the POTA activation.