The Kingsport Amateur Radio Club was affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) on October 2, 1947 from a desire from veteran amateur radio operators to establish a club where all were welcome to come and advance the art of radio.
Over the years radio operators built a relationship with Eastman Corportation and KARC members working at Eastman helped establish a sister organization in 1953 that allowed the Kingsport Amateur Radio Club (KARC) exposure to Eastman. The Bays Mountain Radio Club BMRC was established and later in the 70s merged with KARC becoming KARC/BMRC.
KARC to this day continues moving forward with the art of radio and has monthly meetings and activities geared towards reaching and teaching others who desire to learn and grow
Club Objectives

Club Officers

Vice President



Repeater Trustee

VE Coordinator

IT Manager/Fox Hunt Coordinator