ARRL Field Day 2023
ARRL Field Day 2023

ARRL Field Day 2023 is in the books

This year the ARRL's Field Day was June 24th and 25th. The Kingsport Amateur Radio Club set up 3 stations at Warriors Path State Park shelter #2 and operated for 24 hours. During that time we were able to complete over 800 contacts all over the United States and beyond.

We had countless visitors and operators stop by and hang out and operate the radios. We even had a reporter from WJHL stop by. (Check it out at

A special thank you to Justin Compton (KO4DCD) for heading up Field Day and making it another successful event. Thank you to everyone else who provided food, equipment, help with set up and tear down, and even those who just stopped by to hang out and operate the radios. We couldn't have a successful event without each and everyone involved!


Total Contacts: 836

Average Contacts per Hour: 41.4

Total contacts by band/mode:

Total contacts by operator:

Screenshot 2023-06-25 192041

Map of all contacted sections

Screenshot 2023-06-25 192111

Graph of contacts per hour over time


Have photos from field day and want to share them? Upload them at or email them to