On June 4, 2022, members of the Kingsport club met at Perkins Restaurant in Kingsport at 9:00 for breakfast and to depart on a combined SOTA and POTA trip to Roan High Knob. Stephen, KO4TDK, leading the POTA group was by himself and decided to go along with the SOTA folks to their summit. The SOTA group consisted of Justin, KO4DCD, Rick, KD3ADK, and Ron, NR3E. The drive to the summit parking area took longer than normal due to a bicycle race. Bikers were encountered from south of Elizabethton all the way to Carver's Gap. But once at the parking spot, the hike to the summit was a pleasant and quiet half mile through a mostly coniferous forest.
The group arrived at the summit shortly before 1:00 p.m. and set up their stations. Justin used a Yaesu FT-817 and an all band vertical antenna. Rick used a Yaesu FT-70 handheld with a new Slim Jim antenna slung into a tree. Stephen had a Yaesu FT-990 with a vertical antenna. Ron used an Elecraft KX2 with an end fed antenna. Rick made eight two meter contacts, Justin tried his hand at CW and made eight contacts, Stephen worked SSB and made eight contacts, and Ron worked CW and made thirteen contacts with one to Spain and one to France.
The temperature on the summit was a cool 51 degrees with some sun. Even though it was a bit chilly at times, everyone had a good time.